It Takes a Village, Idiot

Who's really pulling the strings?

Who's really pulling the strings?

I know, I should be happy. There is, after all, a revolution under way — a movement to end the overhyped, overprotective phenomenon known as Overparenting. So sayeth Time magazine:

“The insurgency goes by many names — slow parenting, simplicity parenting, free-range parenting — but the message is the same: Less is more; hovering is dangerous; failure is fruitful. You really want your children to succeed? Learn when to leave them alone. When you lighten up, they’ll fly higher.”

At the forefront of the struggle are people like Lenore Skenazy, whose “Free-Range Kids” aims to return us to a time when 9-year-olds could ride the subway alone. Elementary-school principals and college administrators are starting to resist the overparents who ghostwrite their kids’ times-tables homework or give their 19-year-olds wake-up calls every morning. Soon, perhaps, we’ll be raising our children to be tough, resilient, independent-minded—not the ninnies and ready-to-crack teacups of the past decade or so. Viva la revolución!

Me, I’m skeptical—and not just because the online version of the article is larded with links blurbing “the 25 best back-to-school gadgets” and “pictures of Barack Obama’s college years.” The insane protectiveness of today’s overparents was not bred by a logic that can be reversed with reason and statistics. So what if only 1 in 1.5 million kids is kidnapped and killed by a stranger? The fear that induces parents to buy three-foot animal leashes for their progeny will not be assuaged. “A kind of parenting fungus” is how Time’s Nancy Gibbs refers to the fear, and as anyone who’s had mold in their walls knows, it’s not so easily eradicated.

And I’m saying this as a free-ranger myself! I grew up walking to school and biking (without a helmet!) all over Amherst, Massachusetts, rarely giving my parents an idea of where I was going, or with whom. Somehow I survived. I’d love my Sasha to grow up the same way, and am as dedicated an underparent as you’ll find in my small corner of Brooklyn.

But there are obstacles, even at home. My wife, Jean, for one. While she’s not about to start helicopter parenting at Sasha’s preschool, the idea of letting Sasha ride the subway solo strikes her as crazy. Okay, Sasha’s only 1 year old, but still: Jean successfully grew to adulthood in Taipei, a very big city, so shouldn’t she be cool with this? And mightn’t Sasha be better off growing up in Taipei herself, away from American educational insanity? As a child in elementary school, Jean had to do things like clean the bathrooms, and the disciplinarian in me quivers with delight at the thought that Sasha would have to do the same.

And yet…

I’m actually in Taipei right now, staying with the in-laws, and things seem just as screwed up here. Sasha was crabby this morning, so we left her sitting slack-jawed in front of the in-laws’ copy of Baby Einstein while I started work on this story. (Actually, I wanted her to watch the rip-off Brainy Baby®, but the DVD wasn’t in the case.) She sneezed—once!—and my mother-in-law rushed in to make sure Sasha was okay. “Warm clothes,” she just now told me. I did nothing, so she put a bib on the baby. She hasn’t sneezed again.

Then we put Sasha down for a nap, and as soon as she started crying—which was about five minutes in—some in-law or other retrieved her from the crib, effectively ending any chance we’d get a break from her. In other words, I WANT to leave her alone, let her learn to deal with her world on her own (yes, she’s only 1, I know), but the rest of the world, it seems, has other plans. If I’m not overparenting, someone else will be: an in-law, a neighbor, a teacher, a parent whose love of lawsuits ensures that everyone else falls fearfully into line.

It takes a village, they say, but you know what? There’s a reason some of us move to the city.

Fighting your Kid’s Fights

In the crowded, colicky waiting room at Nico’s pediatrician’s office, I was mostly concerned about the syringe-ambush I was about to let happen to my baby’s upper thighs. That’s right, H1N1 vaccine finally reached Manhattan yesterday–an event that should be marked by some sort of commemoration, maybe like National Infant Immunization Week but with a beer and a bump.

But then, as often happens when I’m around lots of other families, my thoughts turned to the weirdness that is parenting. Particularly, the inability of parents to let kids solve their own conflicts. There were a lot of toddlers, and a lot of toys, and a hint of illness in the air, so yes, there was some tussle over who got to play with what. Some toy frogs were grabbed, some plastic Elmos were yanked. But the kids were all about the same size and just not that aggressive. It was no Dien Bien Phu.

But still the parents couldn’t help but micromanage the situation. Put that down, ask him nicely, please give him the toy back to my son. Not just correctives for their own kid, but also reffing the other kids as well to make sure that everybody played by the rules.

Holy Christ, people. Just let ’em play. And don’t get involved in your kid’s fights. Otherwise you’re gonna get this gem of a misdemeanor they’re talking about over at Strollerderby. Apparently some mom got some naked pictures that her daughter’s homecoming rival had taken of herself (you know, sexting; all the cool kids are doing it). The mom, though, took the pics to the police and then to the school in an attempt to get her daughter’s rival disqualified from homecoming. Full details here. Read them, they’re lovely.

Attacking Dads

Behold the latest article to rile the world of dadbloggers: Custody Lost, by Sally Abrahms at Working Mother magazine.

The piece basically argues that more working women might not get full custody of their kids in divorce because the dads are becoming primary caregivers. It’s kind of a lazy argument, particularly because it seems bereft of actual data. A few anecdotes do not make a trend, people.

The worst sin of the piece, though, is that it doesn’t seem to consider that the dad might DESERVE at least joint custody in a lot of modern marriages. Shouldn’t joint custody be applauded anyhow? Fathers are encouraged by all sides to be more involved in the kids’ lives when the marriage is still on; why should that change after divorce? Or are we so tribal that all women should wish all moms get complete custody? That seems to be the author’s take. has a thorough takedown of the piece here. It’s worth a read.

What the Frak Am I Doing Here?

Fun? Frolic? Friends?

Fun? Frolic? Friends? Folly?

When I was a kid, a neighbor mom — a nice-enough woman, though one whose depth approximated that of a sheet of Saran Wrap — giggled to my mother that she’d taught her two small daughters to curse, “because it’s cute.” My mother went slackjawed at this, and, looking back, I’m with Mom. As I’ve noted recently, my wife and I think our own slovenly tendencies are something to be shamefully eradicated, not something we want to pass on.

Much closer to my brand of thinking: this extremely entertaining post by Guardian contributor (and, now, movie guy) Jon Ronson. He, like us, is not proud of his filthy mouth; he’s gone out of his way to keep his kid from picking up his language habits, and good on him.

The thing is, teaching your kid to throw around the F-word is just asking for trouble, because you know who’s going to face the tirades: you, the loving parent. All you’re doing is arranging for a future filled with tantrums that are foul as well as exhausting. Plus, if you happen to live in Minnesota, things can go really bad in the end.