Donuts: Is there anything they can’t do?

As I’ve said before, my wife and I are trying hard to instill good habits in our son: social, behavioral, moral. Dietary, too: We want to raise neither a vegan scold nor a future Twinkie murderer. And then something like this comes along: Ladies and gents, I present to you this box of crocheted soft-toy …

What Almost Made Me Cry Today: Girlfriend edition

Last night, JP was frightened by the various things that go bump in the night and refused to go to sleep. After several hours of comforting him, singing songs, removing myriad frightening objects–books, toys, the vacuum cleaner I left there earlier in the day–I left him get in bed with me. Before anyone jumps the …

What Almost Made Me Cry Today: Genuine Close Call Edition

Well, it wasn’t technically today — it was a few days ago. But it was a doozy. Our son is just barely old enough to not-quite-crawl: He can roll around and push himself back and forth a little. Up till now, my wife and I have been in the habit of plunking him into the …