How the New York educational system resembles a prostate exam, or learning how to get screwed, the best form of higher education.
Monthly Archives: December 2009
Behind the Backlash
AsĀ Theodore mentioned in his pithy ranticle from earlier today, the government does try to get involved in parenting from time to time. But among jackbooted thuggery are some good programs, and those, naturally, are also opposed by conservatives. Michael Salmonowicz at True/Slant points outĀ that the Heritage Foundation opposes a Chicago program called Parents Too …
Better fathering through science
They call it “reactive parenting”. I think that basically means “going apeshit on your child”. How to avoid it? Well, in the past, the only tools available were mushy self-control techniques, like those on this site encouraging “quick cooling” and being a “Parent Coach, rather than a Parent Cop.” Boring! Now, fortunately, we’ve got Brain …
Big Brother is coming for your little baby
Attention unwed parents: The state of Washington plans to round you up, sterilize you, and steal your babies (with dingoes!). Don’t believe me? Check this out: the federal government is paying them to abduct your child! Run! Yes, they call the program something innocuous, like “Focus on the Child: Family-Centered Services for Unwed Parents in …
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