Should dads be in delivery rooms?

There’s a heated discussion over at WaPo’s On Parenting blog. The topic: should dads be invited into the delivery room? One Gallic OB/GYN, Michel Odent, told the BBC he thinks not: “Having been involved for more than 50 years in childbirths in homes and hospitals in France, England and Africa, the best environment I know …

What Almost Made Me Cry Today: Nipple Edition

It’s 3:45 in the morning, and I can’t sleep. Neither can Sasha—we’re both jetlagged after a remarkably smooth 14-hour flight home from Taipei. (She slept!) Which means it’s playtime! Sasha’s brought home a singing green caterpillar (a gift from her cousin), and she happily stomps on it, producing musical bleeps and blurps while I sip …

Bon Appétit’s lazy advice on kids and restaurants

Perhaps I shouldn’t allow myself to descend into print world geekery (no, I should be worried about diapers, swine flu, the demise of the middle class education, pre-teen sex, kidnapping, and all the other joys of parenting–who has time to read?), but I just thought a little attention should be paid to the passing of …