The Ultimate Solution to All Baby-Related Problems

Friday evening, after the nanny left, was a wonderful time for me and Sasha. For almost two hours we played together happily, dancing, babbling, rolling a ball around the apartment, and playing peekaboo. Whee! And just that morning I’d written “What Do I Do Now?,” a post lamenting my inability to really get into it …

What Almost Made Me Cry Today: Twitter and Death

The Times’s Motherlode blog just ran an item about a woman in Florida who tweeted about the death of her 2-year-old boy. Here’s a recount of the events to give an idea of the scale of this thing: Two-year-old Bryson Ross drowned on Monday in the swimming pool of the home his family had just …

On Dan Zanes & His So-Called ‘Friends’

Ever since we began discussing music for kids the other week, I’ve been listening to Sasha’s music with a closer ear. And by “Sasha’s music,” I mean, primarily, Dan Zanes—the ex-Del Fuegos lead singer who in the last decade has become a Brooklyn kiddie-tune fixture. By and large, his music is fantastic, a mix of …