Parenting Magazine: Why is gay purple?

Please read this article from Parenting magazine: “Could Your Child Be Gay?” Or rather, don’t read it, because it’s ridiculous and awful and filled with pseudopsychology and fake-service-journalism-y things like this: “I saw a little boy recently wearing a T-shirt that said, I Like Pink and I Don’t Care What You Think! At first, I …

Dad + Gadget = Fail: Tinker Toys

Let’s get this straight:I was raised by a father who couldn’t fix anything, couldn’t build anything, was not (and is not) a tinkerer, a mender, or to his credit, a borrower (be). He was  a New Yorker, folks, and we have guys who deliver that stuff. I have a little edge on my dad in …

What Almost Made Me Cry Today: Swine-Flu Edition

This morning, as I was lying in bed, Sasha came toddling along the floor toward me. As I reached out my hand to rub her head, Jean suddenly cut in: “Don’t do that—you’re sick!” Yes, it’s true: I have the flu, though whether it’s the porcine variety or some other vengeful animal’s, I don’t know. …