You gotta hand it to this Arizona dad. His daughter, 27, got dropped off at home at 1:30 a.m. by her ex-boyfriend. The ex then started choking the girl (always bad form when dropping off a date), and in the process woke up Dad.
Bad idea.
From his second-story window, Dad fired a warning shot. When that didn’t work, he jumped out of the window, landed on the hood of his car, and shot the (alleged) sonofabitch in the groin, sending his daughter’s beau to the hospital, and the dad, a 56-year-old coil of window-jumping, daughter-protecting aggression, into our top Bad Dads We Love spot this week.
I know we don’t feed you much country music here at DadWagon (what with us being mostly Jewish and totally New Yorkish), but this Rodney Atkins classic seems somehow fitting:
That dad is so totally awesome.I wonder how his daughter feels about the whole thing?