A Week on the Wagon: Out of Office Edition

We at DadWagon are, of course, proud of doing what we do in New York (sometimes, um, overly so). So why are Matt and Nathan constantly fucking off to other places? The answer, of course, is work and sometimes weather.

It’s been no different this week. Nathan is in Northern California, confabbing with the conservatives. But his mind is squarely on the East Coast, whether it’s clucking at bad-dad-robbers in Philly, debunking the Boston Globe, cataloging crazy kid-names in New York schools, or pondering the joys of mid-century New York squalor-parenting.  There was also a somewhat overwrought discussion about the merits (or demerits?) of sending his daughter to a Harlem school where she would be the only non-black kid in her class. Relax, Nathan, the girl is four.

Matt, however, was in Rome, where he seemed more able to live in the present. Yes, he worried about how to commune with his daughter while he’s away, but he then spent the evening with a charming baby named Margherita Vittoria. And even though he finally outed the Frugal Traveler as being, in fact, a DadWagoner, we did not hear much of anything else from him this week. Attenzione, Carabinieri: if you find a bearded writerly type who has OD’d on slowfood and grappa, please alert DadWagon. We need him back.

Christopher  had some fine bits of media criticism to contribute: The NY Times’ sling-love story was insufferable, even before we knew that slings are apparently quite deadly. Not deadly, but just asinine, are the “stupid magazine specialists” behind a new food-for-dudes publication. Note to Mr. Bonanos: if trend stories make you itchy and the magazine industry has been overrun by asshattery, then perhaps it’s time to consider a new career. You seemed really impressed by dentistry: if we ever get Matt back, that would free up some time for night school so you can finally put that DDS after your name.

On a positive note, Theodore found a softer side this week. Sure, he started by calling a journalist a fucking moron on Monday, but that’s just like a standard morning ritual for him. The real stuff came later in the week. He praised Zach Galifianakis and lamented the passing of One of the Two Coreys. He had a great Q&A with power negotiator Roger Dawson about how to communicate with your child. Then, still quite moist, he thought sweet thoughts about Spring and shared with us a website he actually likes. It’s called Tiny Art Director, and, well, we like it too.

Hope you have an emotional weekend. We’ll see you on Monday.

Slings and Arrows: The Next Controversy

Following up on yesterday’s trend story–and, I like to think, Dadwagon’s post–the Times’s Lisa Belkin notes that if you didn’t find enough “controversy” there, the baby-sling follies have taken a new turn. Now it’s a safety issue! Warning labels! Possible recalls afoot!

I can’t wait for the (inevitable) next turn of the argument: Are these products locally made? Cruelty-free? ARE THEY ORGANIC? WE MUST KNOW!

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In the Hope of Spring

JP is a little young for this, but I’m sure looking forward to Little League. That plus I’m ready for the good weather to come, which is probably why I came across this video of last year’s Brooklyn Little League Parade. Have a look.

The Backstory Revealed

800px-GG-ftpoint-bridge-2So when we went all viral with Babies in Bars, some of our astute critics pointed out that not only was baby Sasha crying in the  picture, that the bar was, gasp, not even in New York.

True that. It was, in fact, in Bernal Heights in San Francisco, and Matt was there doing his Frugal Traveler thing for the New York Times.

The article is out now, and in the Times Travel section this weekend. Matt even outed himself in his writer biography as a co-founder of DadWagon. Way to fight past the shame.

I am in San Francisco myself today, so let’s put Matt to the test: can he save me and the babies some money?