Tales of an Absentee Dad: Part LXVI

Obsessive Attentive readers may have noticed my absence from DadWagon over the past week or so. But, of course, this is normal—I’m always off on some ridiculous trip or another. This time, however, I was gone for a mere six days. But in that brief span of time, I seem to have missed a lot. …

Isn’t It Nice That Everything Exists?

That way no one has to go to the trouble of inventing it! (don’t look too deeply into this logic–just let it flow, baby). Ladies and gentlemen, from the fine folks at Bullet Proof Baby USA, I give you the bullet proof stroller: Which… a rudimentary Google search just determined is a fucking fake. Damn you, …

DadWagon: Your Cultural Resource on the Interwebs

Admit it: when you think DadWagon, the first word that comes to mind is classy. That’s right–DadWagon, cultural arbiters, style-masters, and perverts (with plenty of good old-fashioned crazy). We are a pretty refined group, and in that light, I’d like to share the artwork of a good friend of mine, Peter Staley. I’m not going …