The Tantrum: “Should You Have Another Goddamn Kid?” Part I

Today, I’d like to announce on DadWagon that in several months I will be joining Nathan in the ranks of the bi-procreative (a silly word I just made up, which I want to mean that I will have a second child, but probably just means I make babies with men as well as women). That’s …

Curb Your Dog (Or Your Enthusiasm), But Not Your Baby

Just came across this on the “neighborhood wiki” (can someone tell me what the fuck that is), Columbia Citizens: Um, its Farmers Market day and I just saw a parent hold their child up next to a tree in Columbia Park while the child peed and POOPED. Then they picked it up in a plastic …

A Week on the Wagon: Women Edition

I know that DadWagon has a certain maleness built into its name and its mission. And, to be honest, we’re rarely sophisticated enough about the fair sex to get past the virgin/whore dichotomy in our writing. But for some reason–can we blame this, too, on the heat wave?–women have had many roles on the ‘Wagon …