Preschooler Drops a Load—of Science!

Hey, did you know that little kids say funny things? Yes, it’s a scientific fact that children just developing their verbal and cognitive skills often say or do things that, while incorrect, demonstrate a certain level of accidental logic and profundity that amuses adults. The television networks picked up on this long ago, producing a show (starring Ghost Dad) called “Kids Say the Darnedest Things!

Well, now the hipsters over at Reddit have come to the same conclusion. Actually, they came to that conclusion a year ago, but we weren’t paying attention back then. What I’m saying is that every year, some Redditor invites scientific questions from other Redditors, which he then poses to his son, who was then 3 and is now 4. Said child’s responses are… funny! To whit:

AYAok 600 points 3 days ago[-]

Heya Kid, why do earthquakes happen? I mean, what’s down there?

3yearold [S] 1150 points 3 days ago[-]

I think there’s just meteorites that streaked and hit other meteorites back and forth and then I think it stops.

AYAok 819 points 3 days ago[-]

Thanks for clearing that up for me.

AtheistPope 1567 points 3 days ago[-]

You’re already smarter than Bill O’reilly.

What did I tell you? Hilarious. When you’ve tired of your own child’s entertaining mutterings, click on over to Reddit for the entire thing. Oh, and in the meantime, enjoy this clip from “Ghost Dad”:

Published by Matt

Matt Gross writes about travel and food for the New York Times, Saveur, Gourmet, and Afar, where he is a Contributing Writer. When he’s not on the road, he’s with his wife, Jean, and daughter, Sasha, in Boerum Hill, Brooklyn.

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