Over at Time.com, our beloved Nathan heads to SXSW to figure out how we can turn this here little logorrheic dadblog into a revenue-generating entity:
After 18 months of doing it simply for the pure squee of self-expression — racking up a million pageviews in the process — we are ready to think about racking up some money.
Along the way, he meets various Internet gurus who tell him that to earn the big bucks, he—and I guess this means Theodore and me as well—is going to have to do some real work:
You’re not going to make money until you learn how to get in touch with your readers as well. And that would require us to stop being wallflowers and dive into the broader community of fathers, perhaps with a product we’re selling: something that would require real outreach and effort.
What does this all mean for DadWagon? Will we become the corporate shills you know we’ve always wanted to be? Or will we reject the siren song of advertising kopeks? To find out, please send us $7.99 via PayPal. The answer will be revealed forthwith.
I was just talking to Cool Mum about blog advertising. At a $3 CPM or so, it would only take us 3 months to make $3. Quitting my day job now.
Pay wall!