For the No Shit Files: America’s Happiest

In response to my fantastic post on the the Asian-Jew-white-big-penis nexis, the New York Times and Gallup (or I should say the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index) conducted some research into what we already know: Men who do the Aisan thing do it for good reason. Here is a brief sketch of what, statistically speaking, represents the …

The Toyota Highlander: an SUV for Terrible Parents

If you’re like me, you spend your days watching “House” on Hulu when you should be working. Which means you’re constantly watching commercials for the 2011 Toyota Highlander—ads like this one: Do I really need to point out how thoroughly loathsome this ad—and the entire campaign, by Saatchi & Saatchi LA—is? God, when that curly-haired …

Like Cookie Monster, Except for Cocaine

From our friend DaddyTypes, who continues to find high-brow ways to tilt at the seas of low-brow controversies that surround us, a proto-Charlie Sheen appearance by Cookie Monster with Martha Stewart. What I find most uncanny about this orgasmic delay-then-gratify appearance is how they managed to exactly render my daughter’s behavior around chocolate, even though …

Preschooler Drops a Load—of Science!

Hey, did you know that little kids say funny things? Yes, it’s a scientific fact that children just developing their verbal and cognitive skills often say or do things that, while incorrect, demonstrate a certain level of accidental logic and profundity that amuses adults. The television networks picked up on this long ago, producing a …