My post yesterday on a Manhattan mother who sued her four-year old’s preschool for ruining her academic future, had little, if anything to do with the deep racial divisions in this country. Or did it?
Nathan put a link to the article on Facebook and received a few responses from his friends. Now, I don’t know how well he knows these folks, so I don’t mean to be rude, but the thread of responses had almost nothing to do with my post, and a whole lot to do with the lawsuit where a woman sued McDonald’s for spilling her coffee in a drive-thru. This evolved into a discussion over the merits of her suit, the ways it was used as a rallying cry for tort reform, and then this, which even at 8:30am I think is going to easily qualify as Comment of the day:
I think the US is way too lawyer-crazy, and one of the things I find most refreshing about Mexico is the freedom – especially in building places – that its ethic of tragic sensibility and self-responsibility affords. However I think the coffee plaintiff had a beef: when you buy a cup of coffee – at a drive through – it’s reasonable to assume you can prop it in your crotch and if you spill it you won’t get third-degree burns through your pants. The toddler-mom case however reveals severe class privileged honkyism.
Moral of the story: don’t drop the coffee.
Dude owns an expat bookstore in Mexico City called Under the Volcano Books. He’s allowed at least one slur, just for that.
I mock with love, Scottstev, with love. –Theodore. (great name for a bookstore)
Glad you defended, Steve. Grant is the real deal, and the star in my friend Phil Campbell’s book, now being made into a movie. Check it out for more insight into the man who creid Honkyism: