What Almost Made Me Cry Today: John Boehner

Late last week, some local newspaper asked an important question: “Big Boys Don’t Cry, Do They?” The idea being that John “Waterworks” Boehner’s ascent in Congress signals a new tolerance of adults tearing up under the pressure of strong emotions. Or, well, sort of. The story doesn’t exactly get into the social acceptability of public …

Vacation in Bizarro World: TV in LA

One final note on my L.A. vacation: Sasha watched a lot of TV. Specifically, a lot of “Yo Gabba Gabba!,” possibly the best kids’ show on the tube. In the mornings, she’d get up, drink her milk and then march around the house demanding we put on a DVD. And, most of the time, despite …

Vacation in Bizarro World: Not With a Bang, But a Whimper

Just after my evening shower on New Year’s Eve, as I was getting dressed to go out, up to a party at my old, dear friend Jeff’s house in the Sierra Madre hills, I looked at my daughter, Sasha, who was bawling. It was almost 8 p.m., she hadn’t napped well all day, and we …

Having Kids, the Big Media Way

Look, I know having children—literally producing children in your body—is not easy. It’s a challenge, an adventure, fraught with risks both physical and psychological, and, as Americans delay the age at which they procreate, often entangled in legal and medical bureaucracies. But can we give it a rest with the multi-thousand-word magazine treatments of complicated …