Parent Crap, Reviewed: QwikShower Wipes

It was a typical late afternoon: I was bringing Sasha home, and Sasha was resisting being brought home. The subway was crowded, and the air inside was stifling. I was dressed for the outdoor chill, but now, as I wrangled Sasha off the F-train floor, I was beginning to sweat. A lot. By the time …

Vacation in Bizarro World: Dinnertime

While I took great pleasure in tweaking Theodore yesterday for being snowed in in New York, it’s worth mentioning that not all is 24/7 hunky-dory here in the Vacationland of Palm Springs, California. To begin with, I seem to have pulled a muscle in my back, and am popping ibuprofren like candy. (As soon as …

Vacation in Bizarro World: Meet Manny

We’ve never been the kind of parents to buy our daughter lots of toys. Oh, I’m sure she’s lucky compared to other kids, and earlier generations of toddlers, but in general, we just don’t buy her much. Maybe it’s a New York thing, not having the space for piles of junk? But visiting friends and, …

Books for Christmas: What the Heck Is That?

First, please watch the video: Now, please tell me how to respond to it. I say this because, as a blogger tasked with providing superficially insightful commentary on the e-mailed-around links o’ the day, I’ve been trying to figure out what to write about this child. Other bloggers have said things like “This is why …