Good Morning! It’s Monday! Let’s Talk About Death, Shall We?

At the end of last week, there was an extremely minor disagreement here, between myself and Theodore. It was based on what appeared to be a very cute video of a girl aging from, well, pretty much 0 to 10 years old. But the long and the short of it is that while he found …

Are We Oversnacking Our Kids?

Yesterday, I thought I was being really smart. In the late afternoon, I’d happened into a chic, newish Park Slope coffee shop, Venticinque, and as I was ordering a little pick-me-up, I spotted something on the counter: chocolate-chip cookies, $1 apiece. Now, I wasn’t particularly hungry, but they might be just the thing to give …


You fucking idiot. You goddamn retard. You hapless, helpless, gormless, irresponsible parent. Oh, don’t give me that “But I didn’t want my infant to die of SIDS!” crap. Don’t give me those “But there wasn’t any research on this yet!” excuses. You—you who put your child to sleep on its… its back! Who denied it …

Are We All Just Rapists in Waiting?

Well, yeah, probably—according to both society and biology. Exhibit A: The New York Times’ Motherlode blog, which today features the hemming and hawing of the fabulously named Nicole Sprinkle, who when she’s not starring in golden shower videos can’t make up her mind whether to hire a 23-year-old man with good references as a babysitter: …