The Tantrum, Part 2: Why Can’t Jews Just Ignore Santa?

For the moment, I’m a lucky bastard. Sasha is only 2 years old, and can’t fully distinguish red from green, let alone understand what a holiday is, and why we would or wouldn’t be celebrating it. But the Christmas/Hanukkah dilemma has been an issue in our household for many years already, and will likely never …

My Father Likes ‘Cock,’ and Other Thanksgiving Revelations

Last Wednesday evening, eight members of the Gross clan—including various wives and lovers—gathered in a very nice restaurant in Brooklyn for a bit of pre-Thanksgiving festivity. There were oysters and scallops, wine pairings and a cheese course. And, of course, much discussion of current events. It being almost-Thanksgiving, and many of the Grosses having flown …

What I’m Thankful For: Disney

With Thanksgiving just a day away and the whole gift-giving holidaymukas shebang rapidly encroaching approaching, I feel its necessary to give thanks where thanks are due. And so, to the Disney Corporation, I offer my most heartfelt gratitude. Why? Because Disney is killing off the princess: The studio’s Wednesday release of “Tangled,” a contemporary retelling …