How to Be a Man: Plumbing Edition

For effete assholes like myself, there are few things more potentially insulting to what remains of our manhood than a visit from a repairman. These guys, with their toolbelts, plaster-dusted hair, workboots-really-used-for-working, and ability to, you know, fix things with their hands, represent everything I am not. But hey, when the bathtub is leaking through …

Brought to You by the Letter ‘B’

The saddest, most beautiful lede ever: The princess birthday cake for a 3-year-old girl was one of the few things left untouched after a brawl that police said involved 75 people at a hall in suburban Cincinnati, Ohio. Really, where do you go from there? Well, you explain what led to the fight at that …

More on Dads and Drinking

Nathan’s revelation yesterday that he’s too hungover to blog reminded me of something I’ve heard increasingly from friends: They’re quitting drinking. As a New Yorker, I’m kind of astounded that anyone would even consider this, but it’s true. One friend apparently quit drinking a while back; another, who lives in the South, did so recently. …