A Week on the Wagon: Embowelment Edition

In the annals of history, few exhortations have been as universally stirring to mankind as the words that DadWagon’s own Christopher Bonanos composed yea this very afternoon. After a week in which he said “Meh” to Father’s Day and “mush” to a children’s classic, after throwing in the towel in the millennia-old gender wars, he …

Don’t Freak Out!!! Part XLVI

If you are the type to worry about how your child uses the Internet, then you must read this. It’s a draft of “Risky Behaviors and Online Safety: A 2010 Literature Review,” by two Harvard researchers, and it’s chock-full of reasons NOT to freak out over sexual predators on the Internet. A sampling of the …

Fatherhood Tips From Uncle Sam

I know I shouldn’t go looking for nuggets of wisdom in the (virtual) halls of our nation’s capital, but something about the URL compelled me to avoid my deadlines and browse. That URL? Fatherhood.gov, the website of the National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse. Honestly, I didn’t want to make fun of this site. Clearly it fulfills …