Who’s Your Daddy? No, Seriously, Who Is It?

Once upon a time, maybe six months ago, Jean and I were a bit worried. At a year old, Sasha was smart, healthy and endlessly … cute. I want to say she was adorable, too, but that wouldn’t be quite accurate. To be sure, she fit the textbook definition of cute baby—big eyes, awkward movements, …

Who Wears the Pampers in Your House?

Theodore just brought us word that diaper companies are starting to pay a bit more attention to the fact that dads, and not just moms, wipe shit off their kids’ butts. Now I want to ask a question not addressed by the Times article (written by my friend Andrew Adam “No, not that Andy Newman” Newman): Who …

The Tantrum: Are men no longer necessary? Part Two

(This is the Tantrum, in which Dadwagon’s writers debate one question over the course of a week. For previous Tantrums, click here.) Oh god, am I actually going to have to read this long, probably boring Atlantic article by Hanna Rosin, about the “End of Men”? Yes? Okay, wait a second while I check it …

Get Paid to Have Sex in Taiwan!

Sorry for the atrocious headline, but that’s pretty much what’s going in my wife’s homeland, Taiwan. See, they’ve got the lowest birthrate in the world—1 baby per woman, which is well below the replacement rate of 2.1—and are struggling to find ways to persuade its citizens to procreate. Says Foreign Policy: Now, the Ministry of …