In Which Things That Were Not Funny at the Time Become Funny 24 Hours Later

Sasha is now at an age—18 months—when, although she’s fully capable of walking three blocks to and from the subway (with a parent, of course; she’s not free-range yet), she’s not entirely sure she wants to. “Bao-bao!” she says, lifting her arms to be carried. Then, a few minutes later, “Down!” or “Walk?” She walks, …

Yes, I Like Father’s Day

Look, it’s easy to dismiss Father’s Day. An artificial holiday, crafted by Hallmark, endorsed by the United Tie, Sock and Gadget Makers of America, celebrating the men who already pretty much dominate the country anyway. Who needs it? Me, for one. I need it. It’s not that I crave recognition for my fatherly efforts, or …

You’ll Be a Man One Day, My Daughter

One of the great joys of travel is that it exposes you to foreign, sometimes alien points of view. Unfortunately, sometimes those views are stupid. Like, for instance, this column by Jordan Rane in American Way, the American Airlines in-flight magazine. (Yeah, yes, okay, I know: Probably not really fair to pick on an in-flight …