Making Bubbles under Water

(A quick hit of Joachim Ringelnatz; you can read a bit more about him and my foolish attempts at translation here) Making Bubbles under Water (Unter Wasser Bläschen machen) Kids, a puzzle! Listen up! Solve it and you’ll get some money. How can One make bubbles under water? You have to try this–absolutely– In the …

A German Shel Silverstein?

You will have to forgive my hasty translations of all this, but last week when I was in Key West–where the heroic and dissolute Shel Silverstein lived and died–a German Facebook friend posted a poem that looked every bit like something Silverstein would have loved to have written. To the Children of Berlin (An Berliner …

The Greenback is a Redneck

I’m gonna keep thrashing surveys until I get a cease and desist from their legal department. A couple weeks ago I was angered by how they compiled their list of “Best Cities to Live In”. With their new study on Where America’s Money is Moving, though  I’m not mad at their methodology (although it is based …