First, before reckoning with any of the posts added to the site this week, I think we have to address something disturbing and a little frightening: Matt chose to take a vacation somewhere that has no Internet access. Now, we all go on vacation from time to time (although why a travel writer needs to go on vacation is a puzzle to me), but in this day and age, to go somewhere wholly cut off from the free flow of memes, useless celebrity worship, and silly poop jokes strikes me as odd and perhaps self-abusive. Matt–it’s one thing to desert DadWagon, but the entirety of modern civilization? How now, my friend, how now.
Christopher was also largely missing in action this week, and strangely pre-Internet in his interests, posting only once, and, of all things, about the end of Cathy Guisewite’s awful comic strip. Actually, I take that back, he did run a short post on twitter-threats from his wife, which, in my opinion, is old news in a new medium.
Nathan, for his part, contemplated vegetarianism, translated Russian profanity, and insisted that he was in fact every bit as much of a douchebag as I am (I agree).
What was on my mind? Nothing of any great importance, really, other than abortion, patriotism, parenting values, and ugly kids.
Before I send you all off on your happy weekends, let’s all just send some good vibes off to Matt, wherever he is: come home soon, buddy–your iPad’s lonely.