British Nannies: They’re Not All Nice

British parents! Wake up! Those foreign nannies you and your neighbors have been hiring (says the ever-class-conscious, and ever-classy, Daily Mail) all think their employers are lazy, sleazy, snooty, and lousy parents. More particularly, the mothers are inattentive and annoying, and the fathers are horndog creeps.

Time to quit importing the help, this seems to suggest, and go back to domestic domestics. Mary Poppins, please get out your umbrella and fly back.

N.B.: In Britain, this is tabloid fodder. In the U.S., it’s just crying out for a TV reality-show deal. “The Real-Life Nanny Diaries: New York City Edition.” And L.A. edition, and Miami edition, and so on, and so on. I might have to watch it, too. Strictly for Dadwagon research, of course.

So Your Daughter’s a Porn Star…

montanaA long time ago, when my daughter was still gestating in my wife’s womb, Jean and I tried to come up with a name for her. “Sasha” we already liked, but what about a middle name? Jean had a good idea: “Grey,” as in Sasha Grey Gross. It had a ring to it, but instead we went with Sasha Raven Gross, which seemed a little quirkier.

That decision turned out to be a good one, as not long after Sasha Raven emerged into the world, we learned there was a porn star named Sasha Grey about to emerge into the world of mainstream entertainment. (She was in Steven Soderbergh’s “The Girlfriend Experience” and is now doing a guest shot, as herself, on “Entourage.”) It’s bad enough that my Sasha is already saddled with the Gross name—to have the porn star connection really wouldn’t help her in middle school.

I thought about this again this week, when I learned that Laurence Fishburne’s daughter, Montana, would soon be making her debut as a porn star. Obviously, everyone’s now bringing up Chris Rock’s famous line about strippers: “If your daughter’s dancing on a pole, you’ve failed—you’ve failed as a dad.” This seems pretty clear-cut, right? When your kid forgoes Harvard Med for sex work, you must’ve done something wrong.

But is there any positive way to spin this? I mean, our children are bound to disappoint us in one way or another, whether it’s their fashion sense, favorite bands, or their desire to submit to bukkake for profit. Does one fuck-up (a literal one, in Montana’s case) mean we’ve utterly failed?

To put this in more personal terms: How would I feel if Sasha Raven became Sasha Grey? I guess, after I was done vomiting and banging my head against the wall, I’d try to think rationally. First, is she a good porn star? Or merely a porn “actress”? (I would, of course, have to take other people’s word for it.) Is she doing the job well, getting the right roles, not letting herself be taken advantage of? Is she breaking ground and transforming the industry? Is there a way to help her build her own production company, so she’s not beholden to others’ whims? Not that I’d want to be too intricately involved in any of this, but wouldn’t it be better to offer constructive advice than to bury my head in the sand?

The fact is, the porn industry has become a major component of the American economy, and the thousands of people who work deep, deep within it, or merely on its fringes, are someone’s sons and daughters—and other people’s mothers and fathers. You may not like it, but it’s reality—even if you don’t accept it, it won’t change.

So, to Laurence Fishburne, I say: When people ask, “How do you feel that your daughter’s a porn star?,” have a good answer prepared. Here, I’ll let you borrow the answer I’d use for Sasha: “Well, at least she’s not a Republican—or a blogger.”

Any Good Edutainment Videos Out There?

More than a year after we started Sasha watching the “Baby Signing Time” series of DVDs, she’s had enough. Now, every evening when we turn the TV on to watch Rachel de Azevedo Coleman and her animated friends Alex, Leah and Hopkins (the Frog), Sasha freaks out. Sometimes we think it’s because, from volumes 2 to 3, Rachel goes from being humanly round to scarily thin. Other times we think Sasha’s bored—she’s learned all she can from the videos, which is quite a lot. She signs constantly, and signs as she speaks, to make her meaning clearer. But at this point, she’s gone as far as she can go.

Which means we’re now looking for a new video series to start her on. Ideally, since we’re ambivalent about her watching TV at all, we’d like it to be educational. But, of course, not so educational that it’s unwatchable for the rest of us (and Sasha herself). Songs are important—the repetition really drives lessons home. And I guess it should be age-appropriate, too: She’s 20 months old, and I’ve noticed some preschool-oriented shows are still too sophisticated for her.

So, any suggestions? I mean, besides turning the TV off and, like, actually engaging with her. Cuz God knows I’m not gonna do that!

Suburban Paradise


As I mentioned in my post on JP’s braining I’m on vacation at my mother’s house in a southern suburban bedroom community.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I live in New York, I am in most ways a New Yorker (which is why I have no friends), and I am inordinately pleased both with my life here and with myself for living it (I’m also the most humble guy you’ve ever met). But when I do, on occasion, undertake an expedition into the wilds of flyover country, I am struck by just how fine you folks have it out here in the middle of nowhere, with your stultifying conformity, gigantic trucks, and low cost of living. It truly is an American Dream.

Is it really true that you don’t have to sleep with the school administrator to get your kid into pre-k? And that your homes come with, I think the term is…parking? For your gigantic trucks? Maybe even two of them?

Today I took JP to a place called Monkey Joe’s, which is, and I can’t think of any other way to describe it, a festival of trampolines. It was trampoline nirvana. Here is where all good trampolines go to die, to be jumped on by perfect little suburban children educated at their local schools. And at this idyllic oasis of bounciness, they had, seriously–giant recliner chairs for the parents to sit in and do abso-fucking-lutely nothing. Just sit! No helicoptering whatsoever. Instead of the parents doing anything, they were encouraged to watch a giant screen tv (set to Fox News–and I’m not making that up),while paid supervisors circulated around the place supervising the children. Dressed up like sports referees. With whistles!

Did I mention the air conditioning?  Now I’m not talking about the guilty, bullshit, don’t waste the freon, hogwash AC we’ve become accustomed to in NYC. No, I mean environmental control, my friends, frosty, fuck-the-environment-because-no-one-even-pretends-to-give-a-shit-the-whole-fucking-thing-is-made-up air conditioning.

And pizza. And cotton candy. And giant cokes with refills. And some blue sports drink called “Yummie Tummies,” which is apparently all the rage. All bought and paid for in a strip mall! With excessive parking! That never gets crowded!

God bless America.