Tapping That Sack

I mocked this last week on the Twitters, and Chris (@tessasdad) managed to turn it into something of a term of endearment, but here it is for all our readers: MSNBC has discovered a new plague endangering our children. It goes by the street names of Nut Tag, aka Sack Tapping, aka Roshambo. It is the hitting, smacking, slapping, tweaking, torquing, squeezing, pinching, pulling, yanking, or ganking of the testicles. It’s sunny outside so I don’t want to spend sackloads of time breaking this MSNBC “report” down, but let’s just take a quick look at the nut graf (that’s a real journalistic term, okay?) of this breathless and almost completely unfounded story:

Nearly 8,000 boys and young men ages 10 to 20 were treated for pubic region injuries in the nation’s emergency rooms last year, according to estimates from the Consumer Product Safety Commission. That’s up from about 7,300 injuries in 2008 and about 5,500 in 2007.

Most of those injuries were caused during sports or by accidents involving bicycles or skateboards, a review of cases reveals. But a growing number have been caused by so-called games known variously as “sack-tapping,” “nut tag,” or “Roshambo,” after a 1998 episode of the animated series “South Park” that popularized the painful practice.

Ah, the growing number: the trusty hedge that allows us journalists to vaguely suggest a trend without having real data. And I should know: I just Googled my name along with “growing number” and found that I used that exact phrase in Time articles as varied as the rise of the GED, a Russian roadtrip, merit-based financial aid and no doubt other subjects. So I am not blameless here. But I do seem to remember that there were actual numbers behind those assertions, but there wasn’t space, or the numbers were too arcane, to get into with any detail. MSNBC’s testicle-article, however, does actually give a stat, complete with pie chart and everything. Here it is, the power of numbers:

Truth_on_Cal8Wait: What’s this? 70% of doctor-respondents have no fucking idea what you’re talking about with all this sack-tapping stuff? Gotcha.

But all the requisite trappings of alarm–South Park started the trend, social media is egging it on–prove too much for the reporter to resist.

Let me go on the record as saying that sack-tapping is not a trend. Sack-tapping is not a societal pathology. It neither needs its own clinical diagnosis nor does it need to be urgently addressed in any of the latest anti-bullying legislation (which is most likely unnecessary itself).

As you can see from this delightful YouTube video, Poppin of the nuts, sack-tapping is something that one idiot boy does to another boy who should really not be friends with him. Enough said.

The ancient art of Nakipita

nakipita-baby-crying-video-rankingAs a part-time aficionado of eccentricities of Japanese people (including, but not limited to, the family I married into), I am a fan of Japantrends.com. They cover a wide range of wierdness, from ads against crotchrot to personalized baby handprint stamps.

My favorite find of their are user-supplied videos of nakipita, the art of making baby stop crying. From Japantrends:

Benesse [a Japanese lifestyle company] is currently running an online competition where parents are invited to submit videos of their babies crying — and then being soothed by some unexpected technique.

It might be turning on the vacuum cleaner, sticking an ear pick in their ear canal — or just showing them their favorite cuddly toy. Whatever it is, the secret weapon (thankfully) immediately stops the infant from wailing.

Could it be that YouTube might teach us a parenting trick or two? Doubtful. As any parent knows, what works once on a baby probably won’t even work a second time. So even though this screamer was stilled by a bowl of dumplings, I doubt it would work on my own lil’ tyrants. But, on the plus side, it would leave me with some dumplings I could take into the other room and eat while I let the kid scream it out in his highchair.

A Week on the Wagon: Grumbly Edition

What a bunch of moody people the DadWagoners were this week. You’d think a return after the long Memorial Day weekend would’ve perked everyone up, but a quick read of the week’s posts reveals that we came back at least two-thirds grumpy.

Nathan’s travels of late must’ve left him all revved up: Fury at BP, irritation at Forbes, saddened by a fellow blogger’s loss, and bugged by his fellow dads out in the country.

Hard to tell whether Theodore was in highbrow mode (George W.S. Trow, the ethnology of spelling bees) or lowbrow (the headline “My Son Really Likes to Say ‘Poop’!” pretty much tells you what you need to know), but it was consistently rockin’ out in both directions. Maybe that adds up, Spinal Tap-style, to lukewarm water?

All I wanted was some good information. Some mysterious, ill-documented Brits are telling me I’m going to be a failure at fatherhood; my child’s favorite author has disappeared; and a fellow writer, over at Salon, is telling us that he has nothing to say, which is, when you think about it, not much of a story.

Matt was the only one in a decent mood, maybe because he thinks his wife is ordering him this for Father’s Day, and because he realized how much he enjoyed having godparents who left him the hell alone.

Maybe the other three of us will come around to the sunny side next week. Either way, see you then.