While some parents are excitedly anticipating the May 7 release of “Babies: The Movie,” the anthropological look at infants around the world, others of us are a bit more, shall we say, self-involved. We don’t care about babies—we wanna see dads onscreen!
Which is why, I suppose, there’s “The Evolution of Dad,” a DVD documentary going on sale very soon. The movie is—and I’m just guessing wildly here—and how fatherhood is, like, changing. You know, once upon a time all dads were “work all the time, bring home the bacon, never see the kids,” but today they try to balance work and family? Maybe you’ve heard of such a thing?
Sorry to be so snarky, but based on the trailer (watch it below), Dana H. Glazer’s movie looks like a maudlin recycling of the usual clichés of modern fatherhood. Retelling the tale of his entry into fatherhood, Glazer says in the trailer, in the kind of slow, careful voice you use with a not-too-bright child, “And then I became a stay-at-home dad, and I felt alone. And, sometimes, like less of a man. Did other dads feel this way?”
From there we go on to every stereotype you’ve probably heard if you’ve ever read a parenting blog: men can be equal to women as parents, huge cultural shifts, emasculation versus liberation, soulful talks with elderly fathers, blah blah blah.
Sorry to be so snarky about this. I’m sure the movie itself is a bit more nuanced, but this kind of generically uplifting dreck makes me hate being a parent—or rather, identifying as being a member of a group called “parents.” It’s also why we here on Dadwagon try (and occasionally fail) to skip right over dreary sentimentality and get to the good shit: dead imaginary friends, spontaneous subterranean transsexuality, and ultra-obese German girls. Oh, and drinking. Yeah, we talk about crying (almost) and occasional happy moments, but we trust that if we get too almost-weepy, you, our beloved readers, will tell us to man the fuck up. For that, we thank you. Sort of.