Theodore complained righteously about the lack of available spaces, but it’s even worse than he wrote, because you’re not guaranteed a spot in your district until kindergarten (at least according to the hivemind at YouBeMom). For pre-K, you’re only guaranteed a spot somewhere in New York. Which raises the question: how ’bout a 90 minute commute Staten Island each day?
But despite the odds, we will take whichever public school will have us. Dalia was in a private school she loves this past year. They were kind, thoughtful, and progressive. But they just sent a bill for $28,000 for next year’s (full-day) tuition. It is an astounding amount, and far, far beyond our reach.
I should have known things were gonna get pricey when the school’s headmistress began posting about early childhood education at Huffington Post (no joke). Exposure has a price.
But as sad as we are to be leaving that school (and if you’re a school employee and reading this–we are going to officially turn down the spot tomorrow), I am glad to be getting to public schools finally.
My wife and I were always in public schools, she in Los Angeles, me in a small town (Key West) and a big city (San Francisco). I never liked private school kids. I didn’t really know any, but I projected a lot of my anxieties about money and manners (and my lack thereof) on them. In San Francisco, they seemed so walled-off from the rest of the city, and at such a young age. I just didn’t see myself raising kids in private school.
That’s still true. I don’t understand why people spend a fortune on primary and secondary education. Because the goal is college, right? And if anything, I think going to a fancy prep school can make it more difficult to get into the best colleges. This is debated heavily, and one of the true rock stars of college admissions, Marilee Jones (yeah, I know she had that scandal, but still) wouldn’t admit as much in my interviews with her. But I read between the lines and inferred it a bit, and besides, it’s common sense: If you’re a great student from a hardscrabble public institution, you’re just more impressive than a great student from a silver spoon academy.
It worked for my wife and me, and it’s our plan for our kids.
Staten Island, here we come.