Once again the weekend found us in Brooklyn, and I found myself asking the question that has no answer: why don’t we live there?
Actually there is an answer. My wife works in northern New Jersey, and only a masochist would commute through Manhattan.
But I won’t let that legitimate reason prevent me from grousing about not living in Brooklyn. Yes, I know Mo Willems defected from Brooklyn a little while ago, but Trilling and Podhoretz don’t live in the Upper West Side anymore either. Everyone has lost their laureates.
On Yelp at least, Brooklyn came up a clear winner. It’s cheaper (or, rather, it used to be), the sidewalks are wider, the brownstones are browner, and it has its own brew. We already live in the Park Slope of Manhattan, so why not just go live in the real Park Slope? Especially since then we’d be able to put DadWagon on this awesome and dubious (how could they know?) map of Brooklyn blogs, organized by subway stops.
DadWagon is a split family: Christopher and I live in Manhattan, Matt and Theodore in Brooklyn. Am I wrong to fantasize about throwing the balance over to Brooklyn? Anyone have a persuasive argument for staying in Manhattan? If somehow could just tell me how awful it is to raise children in Brooklyn, that might clear my thinking.