I Demand a Recount

No, this isn’t about yesterday’s Scott Brown victory in Massachusetts. (Though it could be.) It’s about a slightly different special election: People magazine’s Web readers recently chose the Sexiest Dad Alive. It’s this guy, Dustin Moyer, a university police officer from Ashland, Missouri. He seems nice, too, and more power to him.

What won it for him–besides his being hawwwt—is apparently this nugget of information: Officer Moyer stayed home days so his wife could return to work, and cooked and cleaned and changed diapers all day before heading off to his midnight shift at the U of M. This, my friends, makes him a hunk of all-American sexy sexiness, at least among the cohort that is People‘s readership.

Well, none of us Dadwagoneers have gone that far. Media careers are schedule-dependent and deadline-driven, and the only midnight shifts I pull are the ones that start at 10 a.m. and go deep into the night. But I would bet that SexyDad and my colleagues here are not that far apart when it comes to number of diapers changed, lullabys sung,  meals prepared, or stroller trips strolled. And does any of us even get nominated? Noooo.

Hunkiness trumps everything. The hell with baby care; get thee to a gym.

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About Christopher

Christopher Bonanos is a senior editor at New York magazine, where he works on arts and urban-affairs coverage (and a few other things). He and his wife live smack in the middle of midtown Manhattan, where their son was born in March 2009. Both parents are very happy, and very tired.

2 thoughts on “I Demand a Recount

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