As long as we’re all piling on Matt for his extremely casual attitude about temporary childcare, I will (as usual) reveal that I’m the tightass in this debate. Not only have we never left our kid with some random potentially insane/inebriated/berserk stranger; we have never hired a baby-sitter at all. (Unless you count our daily day care, which is hardly the same thing. It’s operated by the same caregivers every day, people we came to like very quickly, who are further watched by administrators whom we also like.) We are fortunate enough to have grandparents not too far away, all four of whom are healthy and enthusiastic about giving us a couple of hours’ relief now and then. But that’s it. We’ve never left him with a friend, a college-age neighbor, or a hired gun from a nanny service. My wife’s job is slightly more flexible than mine, so unfortunately she’s taken most of the days off when he’s sick, but we have been lucky there so far. In terms of evenings out… well, we’ve just stopped having those, pretty much.
I just can’t see calling in anyone else until he’s able to articulate what he needs, and real language is quite a few months away. Are we being merely careful, or overcareful? Eager to hear comments (and experiences) in the comments thread.